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credcheck v1.1 released

Posted on 2023-04-27 by MigOps Related Open Source
April 27, 2023 PostgreSQL credcheck extension The credcheck PostgreSQL extension provides few general credential checks, which will be evaluated during …


PG Failover Slots (pg_failover_slots)

Posted on 2023-04-18 by EDB Related Open Source
EDB is pleased to announce the release of PG Failover Slots (pg_failover_slots). This database extension is released as open source …


pgAdmin 4 v7.0 Released

Posted on 2023-04-15 by pgAdmin Development Team Related Open Source
The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 7.0. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 43 bug …


PGroonga 3.0.0 - Multilingual fast full text search

Posted on 2023-04-15 by PGroonga project Related Open Source
Hi, PGroonga 3.0.0 has been released! NOTE: If you're a PGroonga 1.Y.Z user, PGroonga 3.0.0 has an incompatible change! If …


credcheck v1.0 released

Posted on 2023-04-06 by MigOps Related Open Source
April 06, 2023 PostgreSQL credcheck extension The credcheck PostgreSQL extension provides general credential checks, which will be evaluated during the …


Announcing the E-Maj 4.2.0 release.

Posted on 2023-04-03 by Philippe Beaudoin Related Open Source
We are very glad to announce the 4.2.0 version of E-Maj. E-Maj is a PostgreSQL extension which enables fine-grained write …


pg_dumpbinary v2.10 released

Posted on 2023-03-30 by Gilles Darold Related Open Source
Zurich, Switzerland - March 30th, 2023 pg_dumpbinary pg_dumpbinary is a program used to dump a PostgreSQL database with data dumped …


pg_chameleon 2.0.19

Posted on 2023-03-28 by Federico Campoli Related Open Source
The long overdue release of pg_chameleon is now out. Version 2.0.19 adds the following improvements and bugfixes. Support for fillfactor …


InfluxDB FDW 2.0.0 released

Posted on 2023-03-28 by Toshiba Related Open Source
We have just released version 2.0.0 of the Foreign Data Wrapper for InfluxDB. This release can work with PostgreSQL 11, …


CloudNativePG 1.19.1, 1.18.3 and 1.17.5 Released!

Posted on 2023-03-21 by The CloudNativePG Contributors Related Open Source
The CloudNativePG Community has released a new update for the supported 1.19, 1.18 and 1.17 versions of the CloudNativePG Operator. …


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